Virtual Can*Con 2024

I’m so pleased to participate in Can*Con Online — it’s one of my favorite conventions, and this year I can be a small part of it without the travel to Ottawa (though being in Ottawa is one of my favorite parts, too!).

You can register at to attend this panel and a whole day of exciting literary programming!

Open to Queries

I’m pleased to announce my promotion at Corvisiero Literary Agency to Literary Agent Apprentice. I am now able to start signing clients and building my list, and I am accepting queries! Please click here to see my full wishlist.

I don’t have my own query box at this time, so when you query me, it will show as querying Marisa Corvisiero. This is correct! Just address your query to me (“Dear Gabrielle” is sufficient) and it will be routed to me. Please don’t list me in the referral field, just in the query letter field. Unaddressed queries are assumed to be for Marisa.

Please don’t query multiple agents at Corvisiero. We share queries, so it isn’t necessary. Also, a no from one of us is a no from all. We do accept re-querying with the same manuscript after about 6 months, and only if the manuscript has undergone significant revision.

As an agency, we are currently not accepting novellas, short fiction collections, or poetry. My specific preferences (and that of our other agents) are available through the links above. If you think someone else is a better fit, I won’t be upset if you query them instead. We want you to find the best agent for your project!

Please don’t query by email, over social media, or through anything but the official channel. It’s important for record-keeping reasons and to make sure no queries fall through the cracks. We do read all queries and consider the sample pages.

Let the adventure begin!

New on my Patreon

With everything else going on, it’s a fun challenge to remember to update my Patreon and come up with things to say. I’m trying to keep it varied enough to appeal to writers, editors, readers, and gamers.

Today I posted the second installment on a series about my novel Aether’s Pawn and the real-world places that served as inspiration for the book.

A look at one of my favorite UK villages, and how it inspired my novel. Now available on my Patreon from the $3 tier and up. (With bonus cat.)

Ravenloft Feature

I can’t tell you about the project I just turned in, but I can talk about my previous project. And I would love to, because I’m very proud of it!

A small interview feature on me and my adventure is up on Yawning Portal, the D&D Adventurers League blog. Read a little about the background of RMH-11: Calling Upon the Dead at And enjoy that art!