New Horizons/Directions

In an unexpected plot twist, I’m now a licensed Life and Health Insurance Agent in the state of California. I’m doing this to help people, but please don’t think I’m giving up on writing and editing; on the contrary, I’m helping people while helping to fund future anthologies!

Writing-wise, I have a couple of short stories out on submission. I think one of them has passed the first-reader stage. I’m also still working on the rewrite of OF THE ESSENCE, which ended up on pause because *gestures vaguely at everything*.

Meanwhile, HEARTS ARE JERKS is starting to garner attention and some great Amazon reviews, though it could always use some more. It’s hard to believe it’s still the year in which that book came out. A lot has happened between February and now.

Gaming with Sigil Spotlight is on hold, but I’ll announce it here when it resumes. All the existing episodes are available on the “Sigil Spotlight” channel on YouTube.

Hope you’re all keeping safe and busy out there!

Essence becomes Aether

A while back, OF THE ESSENCE rights-reverted to me. I’ve been alternating between working on other projects and pondering what the best thing to do with it would be. It contained proprietary creatures and content from the HELLMAW setting, so any future action is going to require some significant changes.

Well, thanks to a handful of talented fellow authors, and a stack of very helpful reference books, I’ve found that angle. I’m currently about a third of the way through a new first draft, and excited about the way things are going. There’s a chance that you’ll be able to hold Quills’s story in your hands in the not so distant future. And then? She might have sequels. So . . . stay tuned!

Onder Radio

Have you checked out Onder Radio, the first podcast from Onder Librum (aka the Ed Greenwood Group)? In the first episode, Ed Greenwood gives a lovely shout-out to my debut novel, Of the Essence, which will be out at the end of April. (This month! Eee.)

Ed says:

Mysterious and dark, it brings more than a few daemons to VERY vivid life…and explores a lot of England, too. It’s by Gabrielle Harbowy, a very talented writer and author whom I’ve had the honor of working with on FOUR anthologies now.
[…] I think it really captures what it feels like for the daemons who live among us and are happy to live among us — or at least, are happy to live on earth. And how cruel daemons can be with each other, and what happens when daemons start putting pressure on each other.
It’s a deliciously dark book.
Thank you, Ed!    🙂